The Lady in Grey


The Victorian building is a beautiful, gothic masterpiece that is home to a vibrant library of artistic and cultural artifacts.


It's also home to a spiritual presence, an apparition, a veiled lady in grey... a haunting... a ghost.


The library's apparition roams in silence; we're not certain who she is.


Some say it's Louise Carpenter, daughter of the library's founder, Willard Carpenter. While Willard provided for his family upon his death, Louise was very unhappy when he left most of his estate to the new library. She sued and lost. Perhaps, some say, Louise nurses a grudge and haunts the property to this day.


Others disagree. The Grey Lady is not malevolent, as they assume Louise would be. In fact, library employees have come to see the Lady in Grey as another staff member. They know that every so often, they will see the Grey Lady.


And they do see her... often. There are reports of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of ghostly encounters. Sometimes her presence is accompanied by the strong scent of musky perfume. Other times, she makes her presence known by moving books, adjusting lights, and turning faucets on and off. She is not malevolent, but she has many ways to let the world know she is here.


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